CPM & Independent Appeals Service
Should a motorist incorrectly recieve a parking charge, CPM will immediately cancel the outsanding PCN once an appeal has been received.
On the reverse of each parking ticket, CPM outline in detail the appeals procedure which must be followed if a challenge is to be made. Every appeal is assessed on an individual basis by a dedicated Appeals Department to ensure a quick response, within 14 to 35 days. Our highly trained adjudicators will base their decision on factual evidence, in the majority of cases this comes in the form of time stamped photographic evidence collected at the time of contravention.
Furthermore, if the customer is not satisfied with the response issued by CPM, they now have the opportunity to appeal to the Independent Appeals Service (IAS) operated by a panel of independent solicitors throughout the UK.
In addition to the above, Clients using the 'Residents 1st' service have the option to choose the level of criteria for successful appeals. Of course, this is optional and clients may simply continue with the standrd criteria. By logging on to the Client Portal, you the client, can also access all appeals, view responses and photograpic evidence at anytime.
At all times UK Car Park Management indemnies all clients should any legal action arise due to the enforcement of any vehicle.
All appeals must be submitted online here
Common reasons why appeals are unlikely to be successful:
- Your ticket/permit fell down/was blown off the dashboard/on the seat etc
- Your ticket/permit was not displayed clearly, face up, on the dashboard of your vehicle
- You forgot to display your ticket/permit
- You were only a few minutes overdue
- You only stopped for a few minutes
Appeal refused?
If your appeal has been refused, you have 2 options:
- Pay the Parking Charge Notice. If we received your appeal within 14 days of the contravention you will be eligible for the discounted fee of £60.
- You can appeal to the Independent Appeal Service currently known as Independent Appeals Service (IAS). You will have 21 days from the date of your rejection letter to do this. PLEASE NOTE you should be aware that if your appeal is unsuccessful, you will lose the right to pay at the discount rate, meaning the full fee of £100.00 will then be payable.
Your Parking Charge Notice will be on hold until a final decision has been made by Independent Appeals Service (IAS). If the decision to allow your appeal has been made by Independent Appeals Service (IAS) the PCN will be cancelled, however if your appeal has been refused you will have 14 days to pay the full rate of your PCN.
Debt Recovery
Failure to pay the PCN within 28 days may result in your case being passed to our debt recovery agents, Debt Recovery Plus LTD or Trace Debt Recovery UK Ltd. Please note an additional £60 will be added to your case once it has been exported. At this point CPM will be unable to mediate regarding your PCN. Debt Recovery Plus LTD can be contacted by phoning 0208 234 6775 or 0141 301 2355 and Trace Debt Recovery UK Ltd can be contacted at 01604 968 123.
Our first stage of legal proceedings is a letter before action which is dealt by our in-house legal team. Please note at this stage CPM will not accept any further correspondence disputing your case. You will have 14 days to settle the amount, if you fail to pay the PCN in full you will receive a court claim form. You must not ignore the correspondence sent by the court as a County Court Judgment will be issued in default.
Once a County Court Judgment has been entered against you we will then instruct High Court Enforcement officers to obtain payment through a Writ Of Fieri Facias. Using different methods to recover payment including Attachment Of Earnings, Charging Orders, Asset Recovery (includes vehicles being uplifted & sold at auction). Please note these fee’s are significantly high.
Once your case has been passed onto our High Court Enforcement agents any further correspondence will only be dealt with by Burlington Group and CPM are unable to deal with your enquires.